Searching for light in the little things. After all, there's always something to smile about.


The Resurrection

I'm resurrecting that which should have never ceased. It seems I'm in a 5-6 month cycle of sharing and reflecting on my beloved blogger. Well, I am here to say this will all change...less because I desire so, more because I need to do so.

In 14 days I begin my two year adventure overseas in Malawi, Africa. Contrary to popular belief, Sprint does not service the area so no more cell phone as of May 23rd (dream come true)! SOO blogger,, and snail mail (please number your letters) will be my modes of communication. I am unaware of how accessible the internet will be to me so this may be updated frequently to rarely. Either way this will be the most efficient method of communicating with my family and friends state side. That being said, please keep in touch because the life we are living is brilliant and I want to know and share all that we will encounter in the next couple of years. Sorry this was such a bland simply need to know.

PS Anyone is welcome to visit :) I'll have lodging.


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