Searching for light in the little things. After all, there's always something to smile about.


And the moon is the only light we'll see...

Do you ever have days that when you merely think of someone they call you on the phone within the hour? Yeah, it's like that today, twice. I enjoy it. It reminds me that there is SO much more to this whole life thing than we can ever know or will ever know. Then again, maybe there is no real connection at all. I'm seeking truth today.

Truth is in the way someone reacts when you say something awkward. It's when you're excited about something and people decide to join or to shut it out. Truth is watching people influence each other. It is in the hand of the woman I join with at church to pray and it is in the manner in which people physically touch each other. Truth is the bad words you scream after stubbing your toe and the praises you sing after scoring a goal. It's in a smile, a wink, a nod. It's avoiding eye contact or catching the eye of a beautiful stranger. It's the time you give to something else. Truth is our opinions, our aggression, our gratitude, our joy. Truth is in our seeking. It's in our trials and heartaches. Truth is our love and our passion. Truth is conviction. Open minds and open hearts. Truth is in everything. But then again, truth may not exist...he he he


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