Searching for light in the little things. After all, there's always something to smile about.


Unexpectedly cross

See that...that is it right there
Today, stopped at a light in my car, I watched a woman walk across the street. She was in a hoodie with her backpack, nothing unusual for campus especially at this crosswalk. I looked first at her shoes then, as if I were sizing her up, I followed her body to her face to get the entire picture. I thought, "She reminds me of someone." And when it hit me I was overwhelmed by a rush of emotion that balled in my stomach and welled up to my eyes. I felt like crying, not out of sadness though or even joy really... She reminded me of New Hampshire and the house I worked in often. All at once I felt the feeling of being there and I wanted to be more than ever.

The rush of emotion that was all at once crushing and liberating made me want to fly away to a place where I could easily consider home to my heart. Cliche, I know, but the truth is this peace and joy and acceptance and pure sincerity that I found in New Hampshire can be found in others everywhere. I see and feel and hear it constantly. And still, unexpectedly, in a woman I have never known beyond her crossing the street, I found all of that. There were no words, no interaction, no acknowledgment. Simply, she crossed my path.

Who is crossing yours?


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