Searching for light in the little things. After all, there's always something to smile about.



Mid-scattergram plotting I find myself thinking only of the brand new metro bus running on the W. Michigan line. The new seat covers and the brand new unscathed plastic environment gives me goosebumps ready to burst with excitement! No one seemed as impressed as I was. The blank stares of 8am along with the silent hum of the marvelous engine powering us all to class was mine to soak up. Should I even mention how perfect the clouds and sunshine are this morning you might pee yourself silly!

An assignment is I am working on the graphs of nine different bivariate measurements. Nine fricking graphs I tell you!!! My eyes are blood shot from the little dots I have plotted so far. In total there are 90 little pencil dots on three sheets of paper...I ask myself, "What is the use of all of this?!" I give up. I officially want to lay down and die, but not really cuz I sort of like this place. Things like the metro and the daffodils make life worth living. I wonder though, what does it even mean to say that life is worth living?

Worth, for my purposes, means deserving of. Life, therefore, is deserving of us living it. But, how do we define life? And for that matter, how do we define living? What does it mean to live? What does life give to us that we should find it necessary to live? Does one have to give in order to be deserving of something, especially something so spectacular as living? I am exploring this matter...

Maybe we find it in God. Maybe it is our memories that compel us. Maybe it's the challenge. Be it what it may for you, I hope that you find the reason life is deserving of you living it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you are realllllllllllly cute

8:09 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

you are realllllly cute :)

8:09 PM


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