Searching for light in the little things. After all, there's always something to smile about.


Sunny days are the best

Just when you think you've got it all figured out God goes ahead and reminds you to wake up and...fart?

The best day of my life was about a week ago and this word magnet was the first thing I saw as I headed my sleepy little behind to the computer lab to work on stats (BOOO). I laughed out loud, loud enough so people stared at me wondering what the hell I had smoked that early in the morning. I almost let it stay there but was compelled to pick it up. It was the mantra of my fact maybe my life now! Anyway, it was sunny that day also.

Today it is cloudless. Everyone smiles and men run in the trails with their shirts off and say "Hey!" in their tired voice, which is oh so very close to their sexy voice. Out on my run, yes, I did encounter one of those trail running men, but not before I wandered my way up to a stranger at the soccer fields to kick come balls around. His name was Juan, an early 30's chiropractor who was his own boss and was taking the afternoon off to enjoy the weather. He said, "You have to take advantage of days like these!" I agreed as he walked away and ran around the field. I don't believe he was socialized right. So after finding out a little bit about Juan I went back to the hilliest bunch of trails ever. Cue trail man...and my drooling. Then I headed home sweaty, smelling, and smiling. It was glorious.

Spring weather and spring fever has come early. Thank you global warming! Togo is crazy in love with anything and everything he puts his paws on and I find myself thinking racey thoughts that last just long enough to make me squirm in my seat hoping someone didn't overhear. We've all been there and we are here now. Girls in tanks (hot) guys in t's and shorts (hot) and runners abound (hot). This college campus is about to get crazy with love and sunshine! If people were this happy everyday I think the world would be a better place.


Unexpectedly cross

See that...that is it right there
Today, stopped at a light in my car, I watched a woman walk across the street. She was in a hoodie with her backpack, nothing unusual for campus especially at this crosswalk. I looked first at her shoes then, as if I were sizing her up, I followed her body to her face to get the entire picture. I thought, "She reminds me of someone." And when it hit me I was overwhelmed by a rush of emotion that balled in my stomach and welled up to my eyes. I felt like crying, not out of sadness though or even joy really... She reminded me of New Hampshire and the house I worked in often. All at once I felt the feeling of being there and I wanted to be more than ever.

The rush of emotion that was all at once crushing and liberating made me want to fly away to a place where I could easily consider home to my heart. Cliche, I know, but the truth is this peace and joy and acceptance and pure sincerity that I found in New Hampshire can be found in others everywhere. I see and feel and hear it constantly. And still, unexpectedly, in a woman I have never known beyond her crossing the street, I found all of that. There were no words, no interaction, no acknowledgment. Simply, she crossed my path.

Who is crossing yours?


Opportunity Cost

Each day we receive the opportunity to experience something new. If nothing new, then at least the chance to see something in a light we never expected. On this premise my blog is born. So back to opportunity...

Today it is Roma's pizza delivery. Tomorrow it could be the chance to fit some celebrity feet. Two Saturdays ago it was the opportunity to see my first ever monster truck rally. WHOA! I never imagined a metal dinosaur that ate cars in half would pump so much adrenaline through my body. It was pretty wicked! The whole night was pretty wicked! As you can see my FAVORITE car, RRRRRammunition, is pretty frickin' sweet. I'm officially a Rammunition cutie according to my new vintage style t-shirt (yeah, vintage style, I know right!?). I don't often get such a wild break from good ol' Kazoo life. This proved to be a small piece of heaven I never imagined existed. The fact that there are so many ways of living that we don't even know about intimidates me. The enormity of life is awesome, so is the simplicity and the complexity! What about life isn't awesome though? All credit for this fabulous night goes to my fabulous friend RRRRRR-Dom! :)

PS Check out Emily's blog...she pretty much rocks and introduced me to this and has better things to say!